

Get your training sorted so you can relax knowing that you will be well prepared to tackle the iconic Kathmandu Coast to Coast Multisport event.

Team CP is your endurance coaching team and specialises in working with the Coast to Coast. They have a number of coaching options that range from “a little bit of guidance” to “a one-stop shop.”

They will be with you every step of the way, from helping you balance your work and family commitments to cheering you over the finish line. Check out the video.

Coaching Membership

Find out more about the CP Coaching Membership - Team CP Coast to Coast Athlete Profile.

Watch this video to see how the training plan membership works.
There are four things that you want to achieve as you prepare for the Kathmandu Coast to Coast

1. Be fit & strong

This is the one thing that everyone focuses on in their training, and rightly so. The Kathmandu Coast to Coast is an epic challenge and to be physically capable of being successful is key.   
With targeted training sessions and the right amount of recovery, Team CP will help you be in the best shape of your life.

2. Be fresh and not overdo your training  

This is a tough one to get right and it is a very individual thing based on your training load and what's happening with your work and family commitments at the time. Our inclination is to keep training right up to race day with the aim of getting that little bit fitter. However if you overdo it you will be feeling tired on the start line and won’t be able to perform to your potential.  
Team CP will help you to have a spring in your step. 

3. Be injury free 

Running over rough rocky ground and the repetitive nature of an endurance event means that it is an achievement just to stand on the beach ready to tackle to the Kathmandu Coast to Coast. However there are a few things that you can do in your training to give you the best chance of standing on the start line and having a great race.  
Team CP will help you with your strength conditioning and mobility
Team CP will help you to learn good technique while running, cycling and kayaking 
Team CP will help you get your training load right for you, based on your family/work commitments and your level of training.

4. Have a good race plan for you and your support crew

Instead of worrying about how the day might pan out if you are organised you will be able to stand on the start relaxed in the knowledge that all you need to do is execute your game plan (with a plan B and C as back up).  
Team CP will help you to walk forward to the challenge by developing your race plan using their knowledge and event experience with your goals and objectives.
Team CP will help your support crew to have a great weekend as you will be sorted with your support crew plan for the weekend and the days leading up to raceday.
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