We highly recommend that new entrants compete in the Two Day event before tackling the One Day World Championship event.
It is not called the 'Longest Day' for nothing. The time cut-offs are very tight and as a reference you should be able to complete the Two Day race in under 15 1/2 hours.
The Two Day event is the heart and soul of the race and a magic experience - find out what you're in for first up and don't have the disappointment of a being unable to finish the event due to a time restriction.
Sign up for a Kayak Course
The kayak section should be one of the highlights of the race but it needs to be taken seriously. Make sure you choose a kayak you are really stable in and do plenty of time on the river. Everyone has the odd swim now and then but if you are heading off on the kayak leg expecting a swim then you need a more stable boat and some more skill practice. With the right combination the kayak stage will be one of the highlights of the race.
If you want to do the whole event as an individual, or be the team kayaker you’ll need a Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificate.
Click here for the certification process and list of instructors.
Please note this footage is a few years old and shows 3 people helping the athlete into the kayak, the current rule is that only 2 people are allowed to help - the 2 official support crew with wristbands