Kayak Stage Info

Kayak Stage Info

River Information

The Waimakariri River is a gem! A mixture of braided river bed and deep gorges, if you are confident in your boat this will be one of your highlights. The river can range between 35 and 180 cumecs on race day – so be prepared for a wide range of Grade 2+ white water and hot-freezing/windy weather conditions.  

See handbooks for detailed description of the river section. There is also lots of good video of the section on Youtube (search Waimakariri Coast to Coast).   

Novices in the One Day and Two Day races and those from outside of Canterbury should obtain experience on the Waimakariri River before the race. 

We suggest you book in with a local operator. During December and January, plan to be here for a 5 day period to get on the river. You’ll need this time because of weather and river variability.

Kayakers should wear brightly coloured clothing (particularly when training on the river and in low light conditions) and be vigilant when kayaking, as there have been a number of incidents of kayaks being involved with jet boats. It’s a good idea to add some reflective tape to your blade ends.
Most people who struggle on the river seem to struggle the most with reading and negotiating eddy lines and dealing with bluff turns – make these items a priority as well as learning how to chose your lines – do not always follow, as the person you are following in the race may not take very good lines!

Most importantly, spend time in your race boat on Grade 2 water. If you are not feeling relaxed get in a more stable boat – you’ll go faster!

Beginner kayakers should budget for a minimum of 6 instructional days on Grade 2 whitewater and start your training and learning a year out from the race in preparation for sitting your Grade 2 Certificate.. A guided trip on the Waimakariri is also extremely beneficial.
Internationals should arrive 1 – 2 weeks before the race to obtain river and mountain experience.

Grade 2 Kayaking Certificates

All new competitors must email us a signed copy of their current (no more than 2 years old) Grade 2 Kayak Certificate by 20 January 2025. Please send file named as 'surname, firstname 202x (year Cert completed)'. Make sure it is signed by the competitor. Certificates or waivers received after 20 January 2025 will incur a $50 administration fee. Download the kayak certificate via the following link - Coast to Coast Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificate.

Previous competitors who have successfully completed the Kayak Stage on race day, in a single kayak or as the steering member of a tandem, in the last 5 years need only state on the entry form the year(s) they have competed in the Coast to Coast rather than send in another kayaking certificate. If your certificate is older than 2 years and you have not completed the race for 5 years you will need to either complete a refresher Grade 2 course or apply for an exemption supplying evidence of your recent and relevant kayaking experience. 

We do however highly recommend people re-certify every 5 years, especially if not regularly involved in grade 2 or greater kayaking.

There is an exemption option for who either cannot access a qualified instructor, or can easily show they have the prerequisite skills and knowledge to compete safely.

Tandem section
Both team mates in the Tandem section must have completed a full Grade 2 course (or have successfully completed the Kayak Stage on race day, in a single kayak or as the steering member of a tandem, within the last 5 years).

Coast to Coast Grade 2 Kayaking Skills Certificates will only be accepted from:

An NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor (endorsed assessors)
Anyone holding a current NZOIA Kayak 1
Anyone holding a current British Canoe Union (BCU) Moderate White Water Endorsement

Anyone holding a current Australian Canoeing Award Scheme (ACAS) White Water Instructor
Anyone holding a current American Canoe Association (ACA) Level 4 White Water instructor
Any other assessor listed on our website.   Please contact us if you wish to be listed on our website or gain approval to assess.
Other overseas instructors who can provide details of relevant qualifications & contact details (must gain prior approval from C2C Riversafety Crew)
* Please contact us if you wish to be listed on our website or gain approval to assess.

Endorsed NZOIA Grade 2 Multisport Kayak Instructors

Our endorsed assessors are listed below. They hold the NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor Qualification. Please note this Qualification does not cover rolling teaching, NZOIA Kayak 1 holders are qualified to teach rolling.    

Location Name Phone Qualification Email Website
Auckland Social Nature Movement - Chris Lacoste 0275011639 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor, NZOIA Kayak 1 & Rescue 3 International Whitewater Rescue Technician ‘pro’ clacoste@snm.nz www.socialnaturemovement.nz/
New Plymouth Peter van Lith - Canoe & Kayak Taranaki 027 608 3844 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 canoekayak@maxnet.co.nz www.canoeandkayak.co.nz
Taupo Mike Pennefather - Canoe & Kayak 021 2929090 or 07 378 1003 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor taupo@canoeandkayak.co.nz www.canoeandkayak.co.nz/
Taupo Ben Fouhy 021 514 653 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor Rescue 3 International Whitewater Rescue Technician ‘pro’ kayakschool@benfouhy.co.nz www.benfouhy.co.nz
Lower North Island Mangaweka Adventure Company / Awastone - Paul Eames  0800 655 747 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & Skills Active Kayak Assessor info@mangaweka.co.nz www.mangaweka.co.nz
Murchison New Zealand Kayak School - Dann Jimmink 021 113 7604 NZOIA Kayak 2 and NZOIA Multisport Instructor admin@nzkayakschool.com www.nzkayakschool.com
Christchurch Topsport Kayaking 021 337 018 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 info@topsport.co.nz www.topsport.co.nz
Christchurch Canterbury Kayaking Christchurch, Multisport Kayak School 0273163879 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 info@canterburykayaking.co.nz www.canterburykayaking.co.nz
Christchurch Multisport Nation - Chris Stagg 021 1343585 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 hello@multisportnation.com www.multisportnation.com/
Lake Tekapo Peter Munro 0211685388 NZOIA Kayak 1 & NZOIA Multisport instructor pete.marg@xtra.co.nz www.paddletekapo.co.nz/
Wanaka Best Foot Forward - Bob McLachlan 027 3010820 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & Swiftwater rescue assessor info@bestfootforward.nz www.bestfootforward.nz
Wanaka Paddle Wanaka Ltd - Chris Thornton 021 926 949 or 0800 926 925 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 info@paddlewanaka.co.nz www.paddlewanaka.co.nz
Wanaka Mike Johnston 0274501932 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor mjmjwanaka@gmail.com
Wanaka Dan Cullen 021955449 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 danielrcullen@gmail.com
Queenstown Eryn Cutler 021 126 9448 NZOIA Multisport Kayak Instructor & NZOIA Kayak 1 eryncutler@gmail.com www.educatingadventures.com
Click here for the full list of other approved Kayak Instructors. If there is not an instructor close to where you live, contact us and we may be able to find someone suitable closer to you.

Competitors need to make their own decisions about the appropriateness of the provider they choose to train or assess for their Certificate. Coast to Coast makes no judgement or warranty on the safety or quality of the operators listed on this website. Please note the Certificate also requires YOU (the competitor) to verify your competence in the listed skills.

Be aware that under the Adventure Activity Regulations (which came into force 1st November 2011) anybody commercially offering training or assessment in kayak skills will need to be able to provide clients with their Audit certification. 

We highly recommend you keep your skills up to date and consider doing a refresher course regularly.  


See your handbooks for Full Compulsory Gear lists.

PFD requirements
As part of our race consent conditions we have strict requirements on the PFDs we can allow on the river.  

PFDs need to be NZS Type 406, in good condition, with a cinchable webbing waist strap. Other PFDs may be approved provided they are at least the equivalent standard and fit for purpose (most models of ANSI/ UL 1123 and 1177 type V PFD; AS 4758 level 50 special purpose PFD; AS 1499 PFD type 2; AS 2260 PFD type 3; ISO 12402-6 special purpose; EN 393 substantially comply), however these must be visually assessed and approved on race day.   

ISO 12402-5 is roughly equivalent to NZ Type 405 (approved only for use in sheltered waters with help and rescue close at hand), which is generally NOT deemed suitable for the KMD Coast to Coast. Some models may meet requirements.

Boat Choice  
Year after year we see people succumb to the “faster boat” fallacy. A stable boat will give you a much better chance of getting down the river upright. And upright means faster! Remember you need to complete your first race in the same class of boat as specified on your Grade 2 Certificate.

Other recommended items 
These are not compulsory items that will be scrutineered, however if you want to finish the race we highly recommend you take this kit. Remember, a bit of extra weight in your kayak will have almost no effect on your time.

*Boat repair equipment - we get a lot of withdrawals due to broken rudders and cracked boats. Understand how your rudder works and what is likely to break, bring spare rudder cord, cable ties and anything else applicable to your system. Bring a cotton towelling rag for drying your boat (it’s almost impossible to get tape to stick to a cold wet boat) and some bitumen flashing tape. You’ll be amazed what you can patch back together with that stuff!

*Booties – you’d be daft not to have something on your feet, both for warmth and protection if you swim or need to portage.

*Extra warm gear – the compulsory gear is a BARE MINIMUM. Picture yourself stuck on the bank in a sleeting southerly for 4 hours. We recommend in addition to your compulsory gear you also carry fleece pants, and another warm top layer. Competitors who withdraw due to cold (there’s a lot!) usually underestimate how cold they will get even if they don’t swim. You come off the bike hot and we know it’s hard to imagine you’ll need that paddle jacket on, but it’s a lot easier to cool down than warm up. Consider the forecast and stop and fix things early if you realise you’ve layered poorly.



Surfing helmet

Not rated for kayaking.
Soft forehead protection.


Ancient Helmets 

This ancient beast belongs in your dress up box.


Cycle helmets

Not sufficient for river section.


RATED for whitewater (e.g. Kong Scarab).

Multi-purpose helmet RATED for whitewater (e.g. Kong Scarab). Will pass providing you can show evidence of their rating at scrutineering.  However we DO NOT RECOMMEND THESE based on the fact that they provide limited side protection and are effectively a one hit wonder – break it and you can’t continue the race.


Generic Buoyancy Aids

Generic buoyancy aids – not designed specifically for kayaking.  Do not have a cinch strap below ribcage.


Bottom cinch strap

Bottom cinch strap must be WEBBING NOT STRING OR ELASTIC. Would also fail on sun damage.


Sun damage

 This jacket failed due to sun damage, fabric disintegrated with very little force. If yours looks like this – replace it.


ISO 12402-5

ISO 12402-5 certified PFDs are approved for use in sheltered waters with help and rescue close at hand. This is obviously not the case in many sections of the Waimakariri. Some models of PFDs with this rating MAY be acceptable if they meet all the other safety requirements, see above.


Ocean Racing PFDs

Most models sold as “Ocean Racing PFDs” do not meet the requirements for white-water PFDs.  
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