If you applied to the Ballot for more than one event, you can only be wait listed for 1 event. If you want to change which event you have been wait listed for please contact
by 9 April to request to change.
Please note changes between events are permitted, i.e. if you gain an entry into the Longest Day you can change to 2 day relay team later in the year, noting that entry fee differences and change fees may apply. Changes into the Tandem event is more difficult and you'd need to be wait listed for that event.
If you no longer need/wish to be on the wait list please email info@coasttocoast.co.nz
and include which wait list you are currently on.
If you are offered an entry you will be contacted via email (we suggest you add info@coasttocoast.co.nz & gemma@coasttocoast.co.nz to your trusted contacts) and you will be given 5 days to enter & pay to secure your entry. If you don’t confirm and pay within that time frame the offer will no longer be valid and you will be removed from the wait list.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the chances of getting a spot off the wait list as it is dependent on a few factors and each year this changes. We cannot respond to individual requests of 'what do we think my chances are of getting in'.
The wait list has closed, no more applications are being accepted at this stage. If the wait list is reopened during the year we will advise via our social channels and newsletter. Click
to sign up to receive newsletters.