Kayak Chart

Kathmandu Coast to Coast Boat Class Chart

Below is a breakdown of kayaks within their categories. Please note that it is difficult to grade kayaks into three categories and a number of the kayaks below will blur the line in terms of their category choice. Other factors to take into consideration are;
  • The person’s body shape, this can affect kayak water line etc which may result in the kayak being more or less stable.
  • Cockpit comfort, some cockpits are very tight which can create discomfort which in turn will create instability
  • Different kayaks will have different stability characteristics in different river dynamics i.e. some kayaks will be stable through wave trains, but tend to grab and be unstable in boil situations, and vice versa.
Category Definitions
Stable - A multisport dedicated kayak or a sea kayak. Grade 2 certified kayakers should be able to comfortably paddle these in all grade 2 situations without fear of instability. We are currently recommending the Barracuda Beachcomber as the most reliable beginner's boat, followed by the Ruahine Shadow.
Intermediate - Stable in flat water conditions, stability is less in grade 2 conditions. Intermediate kayaks generally need both kayak specific fitness and significant experience kayaking and to manage these in Grade 2 situations. This would equate to being a solid Grade 3 paddler in a whitewater boat.
Elite- Generally unstable in both flatwater and grade 2 conditions. Usually require consistent forward momentum to remain stable. Kayakers will require both significant river kayaking skills and kayak specific fitness to manage one of these kayaks in Grade 2 conditions, specifically the C2C course.  

Most Stable (best beginner boats) Intermediate Elite
Barracuda Beachcomber Barracuda Waimak Andrew Martin Pinnacle
Ruahine Shadow Brainwave Python Andrew Martin Sharp 6
Flow Rockstar Andrew Martin Sharp 6.5
STABLE JKK Meteor 2000 Brainwave FB2
Barracuda AR DUO JKK Total Eclipse (&SS & XL) Flow Rush
Barracuda Enigma (stable/intermediate) JKK U2 JKK UFO
Brainwave ExpressO Paddling Perfection Excalibur JKK UFO 6.4
Brainwave Express Quality Kayaks Ultimate Ruahine F1
DMK Renegade Ruahine Firebolt Sisson Evolution Classic
Flow Aspire Ruahine Gladiator Sisson Evolution Edge / Nautique Vanquish
JKK Eclipse 5.2 Ruahine Opus Sisson Evolution Extreme
JKK Eclipse 5.7 Ruahine Swallow VOK Wahoo
Ruahine Intrigue Saracen Ultra Wildabout Phantom
Ruahine Gladiator Saracen X
Saracen Sisson Centrix
Sisson Eliminator / Nautique Reliance Sisson Esprit / Nautique Argo
VOK Epic Sisson Nucleus 60
VOK20 Sisson Nucleus 80 & 100
Zen Racing Kayaks Spirit VOK Arrow (&XL)
Wildabout Spook
Zen racing Kayaks Mentor
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